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Credé Oils Hemp Seed Oil


Credé Oils Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is one of the most balanced natural sources of omega-3 & 6 essential fatty acids, which are vital for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Essential fatty acids (EFA’s) play an important role in metabolism, cell growth, and general brain functions. Without an adequate intake of omega-3 & 6 EFAs which we cannot produce ourselves, the human body is unable to function properly. EFAs may also help alleviate the symptoms of degenerative conditions, inflammation, and high blood pressure.

Credé Hemp Seed Oil is cold-pressed and unrefined. It provides an unusually high percentage of unsaturated fats, with a ratio of 3:1 of omega-6 and omega-3 EFAs. It can help support the functions of cardiovascular, immune, reproductive, and nervous systems.


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Credé Oils Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is one of the most balanced natural sources of omega-3 & 6 essential fatty acids, which are vital for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Essential fatty acids (EFA’s) play an important role in metabolism, cell growth, and general brain functions. Without an adequate intake of omega-3 & 6 EFAs which we cannot produce ourselves, the human body is unable to function properly. EFAs may also help alleviate the symptoms of degenerative conditions, inflammation, and high blood pressure.

Credé Hemp Seed Oil is cold-pressed and unrefined. It provides an unusually high percentage of unsaturated fats, with a ratio of 3:1 of omega-6 and omega-3 EFAs. It can help support the functions of cardiovascular, immune, reproductive, and nervous systems.

THC Content

Contrary to what the name suggests hemp seed oil does not contain elevated levels of tetrahydrocannabiole (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana. THC is mainly found in the flowering tops of female plants before the seeds mature. Hemp seeds are thoroughly cleaned and washed before pressing, thereby removing any traces of THC on the seeds that may have been left behind. You will not get ‘high’ from ingesting hemp seed oil.

Suggested Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil

Anti-inflammatory properties
|Helps lower blood pressure
Improves cardiovascular health
Helps reduce hyperactivity and learning difficulties (ADHD)
Improves general brain functions
Boosts immunity
Promotes healthy skin

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