The body needs cholesterol to function normally. Too much cholesterol may however be dangerous. If a person has too much cholesterol in the blood stream, the excess may be deposited along the walls of the blood vessel and this may cause bad circulation, leading to a blockage /clot, which in turn may cause a stroke or heart attack. An acidic body can cause elevated cholesterol levels as the body attempt to protect the walls of the blood vessels from acid which could weaken them. Therefore it is important to keep the body alkaline to reduce the need for the body to produce excess cholesterol by taking Lifetones.
Exercising and eating a diet low in processed fatty foods is essential when treating elevated cholesterol levels.
50% Medicinal Ethanol, Cayenne, Celery, Fenugreek, Dandelion.
Adult Dosage:
20-30 drops in a little water drink 2 x daily
Shake well before use. Keep out of reach of children. Store below 30ºC. Not to be taken during pregnancy. No artificial preservatives or flavourings. No known contra-indications.
This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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